Our customers are all over the world. In Europe we are leader suppliers of the most leading companies in the industrial field. In Africa, we provide support to several of the largest mining sites in the world, in Cuba we have a presence in the main industrial companies, we are also in Ecuador, Namibia… We not only sell and supply, we are also deal with logistic and we arrive where the conditions are very difficult. In La Herramienta Industrial we are world leader in providing industrial supply.
Our Quality Guarantee
At present there are more than 100 large industrial companies from different countries that have put their trust in one of our companies, either in La Herramienta Industrial, Pertesa or La Herramienta Express. Here you could check some of our most important customers, in some cases, reaching turnover of several millions of euros, and maintain a trust relationship of more than 10 years.
Some of our Customers
Any product you need: we have it, we advise you and we guarantee it.
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