In La Herramienta Industrial we work with the best manufacturers in the world of any specialty. Our suppliers are in Europe (Spain, Germany, France…), in USA, Australia, Canada, South Africa, etc.
Always with the objetive of providing the highest quality and best service to our customers, with the highest grade of specialisation. The companies of our group have a wide network of alliances that allows them to maintain a competitive advantage in the development of solutions for the needs of our customers.
We choose them for:
We have preferential agreements with more than 200 partners in different áreas of the industrial world, which allows us to provide the greatest number of alternatives and also a global solution that reaches to any area.
All of our suppliers are leaders in their field and they are thoroughly certified. We have agreements with different logistics companies, both ground, marine or air. This allows us to guarantee the reception of your purchase order anywhere in the world and in a time according your need.
Some of our suppliers
Quality, support and European manufacturing and Occidental at your disposal.

We have a large network of logistic support companies, which allows us to provide global logistics services. The orders are transported by air, sea and ground. After the confirmation of the order, our multilingual team will advise you personally. Specialized staff guarantee that good handling of the load.
If you need it, we also take of the regular transport between our warehouse and your production site (door to door). Without a doubt, we synchronize schedules and we develo pan individual concept for you to adapt to local conditions, suc as accesibility, distances, climate, etc. We are certified with the ISO 9001:2008 standard.
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